We now have three services every Sunday–8:30, 10:00, and 11:00am.


This is something to celebrate.

Baptism is a symbol that tells a story.

Our lives are filled with symbols. An engagement ring celebrates and symbolizes the decision two have made to spend the rest of their lives together. The presentation of a diploma celebrates and symbolizes the successfully completed work of a student.

At Community Church, we believe baptism celebrates and symbolizes a decision someone has made to follow Jesus. It's a moment to look forward to with excitement and look back on with admiration.

We want to share  your story.

We would love to celebrate your decision to say “yes” to a life dedicated to Jesus by sharing your story with our church family. Before your baptism day, we’ll record a short video—just like the one below—so that those in attendance can witness and connect with your journey.
Sharing your story in this way allows everyone to celebrate with you more deeply and see the impact of choosing Jesus. Your testimony has the power to inspire and point hundreds of people, both in-person and online, toward Him.
So, a couple of questions...
Would you be open to getting baptized on Thursday April 3 or Sunday April 6?
Would you allow us to capture your story in the building in the future?
If yes to both, please click the button below.

What about infant baptism?

Baptism is one of those topics that the church has disagreed about for centuries. At Community Church, we believe baptism to be a secondary doctrine, meaning, we make room for disagreement. Jesus prayed that his followers would be one (John 17:21). In light of that, we prioritize unity over uniformity in our beliefs. All that to say, you might disagree with our view on baptism, but for us, that's ok. We still want you to be able to call this church your home.

While we understand and respect the beliefs behind baptizing an infant, here, we believe that baptism is something that follows a decision to follow Jesus. For us, that means that a child has to be old enough to make that choice before we will baptize him or her.